6. February 2022

Sustainable Impact Award 2023

On October 9, 2023, the German sustainability pioneers – the true role models, thought leaders who are bringing about positive change in the world with their innovative sustainable projects and initiatives – got together in Munich and witness “Sustainable Impact Award 2023” (SIA 2023).

cph is proud to have received SIA 2023 this year for the second time – this time as the second place in the Category Impact of Product. We are grateful for this valued recognition, which we really appreciate and feel honoured about! “But at the same time, we feel so humble,” said Gerwin Schüttpelz, Managing Partner of cph. “We know there is still so much to do ahead – together with all actors in the economy: suppliers, customers, end users, also with peers and counterparts in the same industry. Only hand in hand can we achieve sustainability in the true sense”.

Sustainability Impact Award is presented by WirtschaftsWoche and honors yearly companies who not only preach change, but also consistently implement it and thus have a lasting impact on the world.

To learn more about SIA 2023: